Board of Public Education
Contact Us:
208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-5534
Board Members
The Board is comprised of nine members, eight elected on a district basis, and a president elected on a countywide basis. Each serves a four-year term. The Savannah-Chatham County School District includes all of Chatham County, Georgia. The Board of Public Education for the City of Savannah and the County of Chatham, Georgia operates under a Board-Superintendent form of government and provides public educational services to the citizens of the City of Savannah and the County of Chatham, Georgia. The Board is composed of eight members elected from geographical districts and a President elected on a countywide basis. Members serve four-year staggered terms. Annually, the Board elects a Vice-President and a Vice-President Pro Tempore.
Board President
Roger Moss
District One; Vice President
Denise R. Grabowski
District Two
Dr. Dionne Hoskins-Brown
District Three
Cornelia H. Hall
District Four
Shawn A. Kachmar
District Five; Vice President Pro-Tempore
Paul E. Smith
District Six
Dr. David Bringman
District Seven
Stephanie Campbell
District Eight
Dr. Tonia Howard-Hall
Board Functions
The functions of the Board are as follows: to formulate and to adopt policies for the operation of the school system; to seek necessary means of financing this operation and to provide suitable buildings and equipment; to employ a Superintendent; to engage personnel qualified to carry out these policies; to hold these personnel, through the Superintendent, responsible for the efficient administration of the schools under these policies; and to carry out such other duties as are imposed by law. The Board appoints the Superintendent for a term that is determined by the Board. As its Chief Executive Officer, the Superintendent has general supervisory and administrative responsibility for all departments and personnel of the School District.