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ESPLOST III - Project Highlights

The ESPLOST continuation was included as a referendum on the November 8, 2016, ballot in Chatham County and was approved in every precinct​.  In advance of the November 2016 referendum, district staff completed data analysis, a district wide Facility Condition Assessment, and held eight public m​eetings (May 2016), for the finalization of the ESPLOST III plan. The referendum for the continuation of the existing one-percent sales tax for education was approved by Chatham County voters.  ​That plan is ESPLOST III.  The plan demonstrates a commitment to STEM education, physical education and athletics, school renovations, and a response to the overwhelming growth in western Chatham County.  The plan remains committed to the elimination of Bond Debt, security and system improvements, technology upgrades and school renovations.  The project schedule was approved during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education on December 7, 2016.  

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