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Our Schools

Windsor Forest High School

The original Windsor Forest High School was built in the 1960s. Through ESPLOST IV, we are pleased to deliver a brand new, state of the art facility for Windsor Forest High School. 

The new building is being constructed on the current Windsor Forest High School’s Largo Drive site to house 1,000 students at a cost of $92,000,000. 

The new space will include 32 classrooms, 8 science labs, 10 CTAE labs with a mock pre-K classroom, 1 actual pre-K classroom, 2 computer science labs, 3 SPED classrooms, 2 art classrooms, and a learning commons area.  There will also be a band hall, a choral hall, an auditorium with support facilities, a JROTC area with 2 classrooms and an indoor range, a student service area, a dining hall with seating for 350 and food service area, conference rooms and offices.

New athletic facilities will include a practice football field and competition track with seating for 500, competition baseball and associated concessions/field house buildings. A 3,000 sf wrestling room is also being added to the existing gym. Support facilities include separate parking for students, teachers and the public, a bus loop and separate bus loop for special needs.