Learning Support Services
Alternative Education
SCCPSS offers alternative education for students in grades K through 12 that provides non-traditional learning opportunities. These opportunities afford students a wide range of social, emotional, and behavioral support while providing the necessary standards and curriculum needed for student success in the classroom. These programs offer personalized learning approaches that include the guiding principles of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.
Our programs include….
Coastal Georgia Comprehensive Academy
The Coastal Georgia Comprehensive Academy is a special education school focused on educating students with severe emotional/behavioral disorders, as well as students with moderate to severe autism. We serve students ranging from pre-kindergarten through high school. Our teachers and staff are entrusted with the great responsibility of providing a quality education to our students in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. This vision is built upon a foundation of investment and trust in which students are encouraged and supported to grow both academically and emotionally. By establishing this relationship with our students, we are able to provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. This mindset also prepares our students to overcome the adversities and roadblocks that they will encounter during life. By supporting them through difficult academic and emotional times, students are empowered to face future challenges.
Building Bridges High School Program
Building Brides Academy High School is designed to serve students in grades 9-12 who have not been successful at their home school despite numerous and varied interventions. Building Bridges Academy High provides small group and individualized academic, social, and emotional programming. Program personnel will also provide social skills instruction emphasizing effective decision making, conflict resolution, emotion management, career exploration and workplace readiness.
The goal of the program is to develop the academic, social, emotional, and cognitive abilities of each student using a personalized approach that includes the six guiding principles of Character Counts which are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship.
Building Bridges Middle School Program
Building Bridges Middle School is an alternative education program serving students struggling with the traditional school setting or who are overage and need acceleration. We provide another chance to make a first impression!
WINGS Elementary Alternative Learning
WINGS Elementary Alternative Learning Center provides students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade an opportunity regain the focus necessary to be successful during the school year. We serve students for a 45-day period. During this time, students receive the same rigorous instruction as in their Home School. Also, students are provided skills and interventions that assist in the student’s return to their Home School. Our goal is for our students to be academically, socially, and emotionally ready to return to the regular classroom. The focus at WINGS is on the whole student; their strengths and challenges. We work with parents, teachers, and mentors to put students on the right path for success.