Savannah-Chatham County Public School System
Counseling Services
Director of Counseling Services
Contact Us:
409 Gobel Ave
Savannah, GA 31404
(912) 395-4506
Community Service
SCCPSS requires all students to complete 20 hours of service in order to graduate.
- Twenty hours must be performed.
- Service must be completed at a non-profit organization.
- Students can not get paid for their service time.
- Service must be completed outside the normal school hours.
- Chores done at home or in the neighborhood for individuals may not be used to satisfy requirements.
- The work performed must benefit the community.
- Submit Community Service Validation document.
Community Service Project Theme Paper Guidelines
When a student has completed the required hours of community service, he or she will write a three paragraph (minimum) theme paper of approximately 150 words. This theme paper will be submitted to the student's counselor for approval.
Suggestions for Developing the Theme Paper
- Paragraph 1 - Describe what type of community service you performed. Tell where you performed your service.
- Paragraph 2 - Tell what you learned from this experience. Tell what a typical day was like for you at the community service site.
- Paragraph 3 - Summarize your community service experience. Comment on the value of your community service experience to your future plans.
Approved Organizations
Local organizations and agencies for which students can perform community service hours include, but are not limited to:
- Adopt-a-Highway
- American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, Kidney Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.
- Ballet South (community outreach programs)
- The Beach Institute (718-316-0815)
- Beautification projects
- Boy Scout or Girl Scout community service projects
- Church youth group activities such as carnivals, helping the elderly, etc.
- Club Sponsored non-profit activities such as tutoring
- Department of Leisure Services
- Economic Opportunity Authority
- Fire Department
- First Call for Help
- Frank Callen’s Boys and Girls Club
- Goodwill Industries
- Greenbriar Children’s Center
- Habitat for Humanity
- Hands On Savannah
- Homeless Shelters or Inner-City Night Shelter
- Hope House
- Humane Society
- Island Hospice, THA Group
- Jenkin’s Boys and Girls Club
- Jewish Educational Alliance
- March of Dimes
- Mary's Place (formerly the Rape Crisis Center)
- Memorial Health Teen Programs
- Museums
- Neighborhood Associations
- Oatland Island, Saturdays, Cane-grinding in November or Sheep to Shawl in March
- Odyssey Hospice
- Open Arms
- Police Department
- Public Library
- Red Cross
- SAFE Shelter
- Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
- Savannah Association for the Blind
- Savannah Children's Choir
- Savannah Hospice
- Savannah Irish Festival (February)
- Savannah Rotary Read-In
- Savannah Speech and Hearing
- Savannah Tree Foundation
- Science Centers
- Scottish Games (May)
- Senior Citizens of Savannah
- Something Special Magazine
- Summer Camp volunteer
- Second Harvest Food Bank
- Special Olympics
- Union Mission or soup kitchens
- United Way and United Way sponsored agencies
- Various community service agency boards
- Victim’s Witness
Anyone who would like to add a non-profit organization to our list can submit a copy of the group's 501c status documentation to one of the school counselors.