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Student and Family Service Center

Student and Family Service Center

Contact Us:

Temporary Location:

Hubert Middle School

768 Grant Street

Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-5584 

Walk-In Assistance Available

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 


Character Counts

This character-building education program is the most widely used by schools, communities, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations. The framework teaches the Six Pillars of Character: Caring, Citizenship Fairness, Respect, Responsibility and Trustworthy. The learning experience is educational, engaging and fun.


A person of character is trustworthy, lives with integrity, is honest, reliable and loyal.


A person of character values all persons, lives by the Golden Rule – respects the dignity, privacy and freedom of others, is courteous and polite to all, is accepting and tolerant of differences.


A person of character is responsible, accountable, pursues excellence and exercises self control.


A person of character is fair and just, is impartial, listens and is open to differing viewpoints.


A person of character is caring, compassionate, kind, loving, considerate, and charitable.


A person of character is a good citizen. Do your the community, play by the rules.