Student and Family Service Center
Contact Us:
Temporary Location:
Hubert Middle School
768 Grant Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-5584
Walk-In Assistance Available
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The Front Porch
The Front Porch is a community-based risk reduction program designed to identify youth and families at risk of becoming involved with the Court and linking them to community resources to divert them from the court system. As a collaborative partner with The Front Porch, The Department of Student Affairs provides a school social worker to serve as a case manager.
Handle With Care
The Handle with Care program is a collaboration between SCCPSS and the Savannah Police Department. The program promotes safe and supportive homes, schools and communities that protect children, and help traumatized children heal and thrive. Handle With Care encourages school-community partnerships aimed at ensuring that children exposed to trauma in their home, school or community receive appropriate supports to help them achieve academically at their highest levels, despite whatever traumatic circumstances they may have endured.