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All students applying to a Choice Program in the Savannah-Chatham County School District must meet the eligibility criteria, except when applying to A. B. Williams Elementary School, Hubert Middle School, and the STEAM Career Academy at the School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High School.  

The 2025-2026 Choice Program Criteria is listed in the table below.  Please select the grade level that your student will be applying to.  Please note there is no qualifying criteria required for students applying to Kindergarten, First Grade, or Second Grade.

Important Notes Regarding Criteria​

Assessment - Reading
  • ​Third Grade - Tenth Grade - The score that will be reviewed is the I-Ready Reading Middle of the Year Score 
  • Eleventh Grade - Twelfth Grade - The score that will be reviewed is the American Literature End of Course Test Level Score​​ (EOC)
​Assessment - Math
  • ​​Third Grade - Tenth Grade - The score that will be reviewed is the I-Ready Math Middle of the Year Score 
  • Eleventh Grade - Twelfth Grade - The score that will be reviewed is the Algebra I End of Course Test Level Score​​ (EOC)
Choice GPA 
  • Choice GPA is defined as the end of quarter grades for the past three full semesters of core academic and foreign language courses (ELA/Reading/Math/Science/SS/Foreign Language).

  • The absences that will be reviewed are daily unexcused absences from Spring Semester of School Year 23-24 plus Fall Semester of School Year 24-25.​

  • The discipline referrals that will be reviewed are discipline referrals from Spring Semester of School Year 23-24 plus Fall Semester of School Year 24-25.  Only specific discipline referrals with state reported consequences are included.