Choice Programs
The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is proud of the many Choice Programs our district offers. As you prepare for the educational journey with your child, please use this guide as a tool to discover the wide range of curriculum choices that will engage your child and prepare him or her for life. This guide will share admission criteria and walk you and your child through the steps to apply for a Choice Program or Choice School.
- A Message from SCCPSS
- Timeline
- Overview: How to Apply For Choice Programs - SY 2025-26
- STEP ONE: Review Eligibility Criteria
- Audition Process for Visual and Performing Arts
- STEP TWO: Submitting the Application
- Choice Program Selection Information
- STEP THREE: Lottery Process
- Priority Preferences
- STEP FOUR: The Registration Process
- Appeals Process
- After Lottery Application Process
- Transportation
- Pre-Kindergarten vs. Kindergarten
- Choice Program Athletic Participation
- Guidelines for Twins, Triplets, etc.
- Students with Disabilities & Accommodations for Auditions
- Home School Education and/or Virtual School Students
- Reciprocity
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Contact Information
A Message from SCCPSS
Our award-winning programs inspire students beyond the classroom by connecting them with professionals in specific fields of study. From Advanced Academics to Engineering or the Arts, our students learn first-hand from experts in their field who share their prior experiences and vast knowledge. We offer schools with programs that meet the needs of those students seeking an academically challenging, high skilled and college-level curriculum. Students in the high school programs can earn industry credentials and a high school diploma during their four years of high school.
As students look ahead to the future needs of our workforce they’ll find a variety of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. Program instruction, internships and externships prepare our students to lead the way in science and math achievement. As a part of the Choice Programs, your child will be immersed in the field of STEM, the Arts, and Career Technical fields. These programs provide the opportunity to earn industry certifications and prepare students for the workplace.
Because of the rigor of our Choice Programs, many graduates have gone on to prestigious universities such as Harvard, Duke, and MIT. Students who have completed our specialized programs for performing arts and culinary have been admitted to institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University, New York University, and Johnson & Wales University.
Our schools work to build an academic foundation that allows every child to become successful. Our Choice Programs build upon this foundation through their unique curriculum and experiences, and this helps foster leadership skills that will connect our students to the workforce of tomorrow.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Choice guide and to learn about how the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is working to prepare students for life. If you have questions, please visit our website at Our school district appreciates your interest in our Choice Programs and we look forward to assisting you and your family.
Angie A. Lewis, Ed.D.
Executive Director
The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) offers an online application, lottery, and registration process for those families interested in enrolling their child in a Choice Program. The online application and registration system is a secure website that provides a convenient and quick way for parents to enter information. The chart below provides important dates for this process.
Overview: How to Apply For Choice Programs - SY 2025-26
Parents interested in applying can follow the steps below. STEP 1Review Eligibility Criteria Determine if the student meets the eligibility criteria by reviewing the details in the STEP 2Submit an Online Application Applications will be accessible on our website at starting January 11, 2025. Completing the online application is the only step necessary for current SCCPSS students. All applicants who are not currently enrolled in a SCCPSS school (or who have not been enrolled in SCCPSS continuously for the previous 3 semesters) should apply online and must upload digital copies of the required documentation during the submission process. The required documentation must be uploaded with the online application and includes:
STEP 3Lottery Process and awaiting results. A randomized electronic lottery will run in early March. Lottery result notifications will be sent to parents by email following the lottery. STEP 4Registration Registration is required after a student is selected through the lottery process. Registration is completed online, and registration instructions are sent through email after the lottery. |
STEP ONE: Review Eligibility Criteria
Choice Program Eligibility Criteria Quick Overview
ALL students applying to a Choice Program in the Savannah-Chatham County School System (*with the exception of A. B. Williams Elementary School, Hubert Middle School, and Savannah High School) must meet the eligibility criteria. Students not meeting criteria will be considered ineligible and will not be placed in the lottery.
*Choice Program eligibility criteria is not required for A. B. Williams Elementary School, Hubert Middle School, the STEAM Career Academy at Savannah High School. Students who apply for these programs will be placed in the lottery.
- Report Cards (previous three full semesters, equivalent to a full year and a half)
- Proof of Address (Utility Bill (electric, gas, water), Government Agency Mail, or Lease Agreement/Mortgage Statement)
- Required Test Scores: A nationally normed standardized test score in Reading, and a nationally normed standardized test score in Mathematics
- An attendance report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
- A discipline report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
Choice Grade Point Average will be used to determine eligibility. Choice GPA is defined as the end of quarter grades for the past three full semesters of core academic and foreign language courses (ELA/Reading/Math/Science/SS/Foreign Language).
All students who are not enrolled in SCCPSS must provide Proof of Address during the application process. Proof of Address consists of a Lease, Mortgage Statement, Electric/Gas/Water Bill, or Government issued mail.
Requirements - Kindergarten, First and Second Grades
Students applying to a kindergarten, first grade and second grade Choice Program must meet the following general criteria for eligibility:
- Satisfactory Conduct & Satisfactory Academic Performance at current educational facility (if applicable)
- Proof of Address for Non-SCCPSS students
- Grades are not reviewed for Kindergarten, First and Second Grades
Requirements - Grades 3-12
See Grade 3-12 Requirements page.
Audition Process for Visual and Performing Arts
The selection process for the performing arts schools (Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts, grades 6-8 and Savannah Arts Academy) differs from the process utilized by other Choice Programs in the district. As a result, every student interested in attending Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts (grades 6th – 8th), must complete the application process in four phases. This ensures that applicants demonstrate ability as well as interest in their selected visual and/or performing arts area.
Phase 1: Application
Phase 1: Application Process
Students interested in Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts should first apply online. Students must meet the minimum Choice Program academic requirements to be considered for an audition at Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts (Grades 6-8).
Phase 2: Audition
Phase 2: Audition Process
Students who meet the academic requirements for a performing arts school will be scheduled for an audition in the arts area they select. Auditions are scheduled by Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts (grades 6-8) staff members after the initial online application process is completed.
Students interested in Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts should visit those school websites for information about the audition requirements for their chosen arts area. Please visit, and click the Schools Tab.
Phase 3: Judging
Phase 4: Ranking
Phase 4: Ranking
- Students who audition will be ranked using a score of 1-100. The audition score will be added to each student’s application. Students applying to Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts (grades 6th – 8th) are seated or waitlisted according to their audition ranking, based on the number of seats available in each performing arts area.
- This process eliminates sibling preference
- An email will be sent to parents, regarding the ranking, on March 7, 2025, in conjunction with the lottery results for all Choice Programs.
- Parents who receive acceptance letters must register their children by the registration deadline. Any student who is not registered by the established deadline will forfeit their Choice seats and the seats will be offered to the next child on the waitlist.
Accomodations for Auditions
A parent/guardian must notify the SCCPSS Office of College and Career Readiness immediately following the submission of the application if the child has a special need that requires accommodations for his/her audition. Accommodations to the audition process are permissible for students with special needs documented in an active IEP or 504 Plan. A copy of the child’s current IEP or 504 Plan (public school students) or medical evaluation (private school students) must be provided to the Office of College & Career Readiness, 402 Market Street, Savannah, 31408, within five business days of submitting the application in order to ensure audition accommodations.
Students who have limited proficiency in the English language are encouraged to audition in their native language, if needed. Students identified as ELL can be provided language facilitators for their auditions. Please contact Jessica Horton ( or Dr. Angie Lewis ( at 912-395-6765 if audition accommodations are needed.
STEP TWO: Submitting the Application
Applications will be accessible on the Application page starting January 11, 2025. Completing the online application is the only step necessary for current SCCPSS students.
All applicants who are not currently enrolled in a SCCPSS school should apply online AND must upload digital copies of the required documentation during the submission process. The required documentation must be uploaded with the online application and includes:
- Report Cards (previous three full semesters, equivalent to a full year and a half)
- Proof of Address (Utility Bill (electric, gas, water), Government Agency Mail, or Lease Agreement/Mortgage Statement)
- Required Test Scores: A nationally normed standardized test score in Reading, and a nationally normed standardized test score in Mathematics
- An attendance report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
- A discipline report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
Choice Program Selection Information
The online application allows parents to select a first, second, and third choice when applying to a Choice Program. The selection of more than one Choice Program automatically indicates that the parent is willing to accept a seat in any of the Choice Programs choices selected. Please note, once a student is selected through the lottery for one of the selected choice programs, he/she will not be on any other waitlist. Waitlist status is only provided if no seats are available among the choices selected. If a parent is only interested in one Choice Program, it is important to ONLY list that choice.
*If a student is seated at any school, he/she will not be placed on any waitlists. *
Choice School Scenarios
- If you list one choice on your application and meet the requirements, you will be entered in the lottery for only that school or program. If no seats are available, you will be placed on the waitlist.
- If you list two or more choices on your application and meet the requirements, you will be entered in the lottery and will be seated where space is available. Waitlist status is only provided if no seats are available for any of the choices.
- If your child is on a waitlist and an open seat becomes available, you will have three days to register. Failure to do so will forfeit your available seat.
- If you accept a seat and register, your child will be enrolled for the upcoming school year.
The following information applies to all Choice Program applicants:
- Once registration is complete, students will be enrolled for the following school year.
- Once a parent has submitted an application, additional information may be requested by the Choice site. If a school requests additional information, parents should reply promptly by sending the information directly to the school. Applications will be considered incomplete if requested information is not provided.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee placement in a school or Choice Program.
- Waiting lists are not kept from year to year. The process begins new at the beginning of each application window.
- Submitting more than one application will void the previous application. The most recent application will be reviewed.
- Submitting false information will void an application.
- If a student is offered a seat at any of their choice schools, they are not placed on the waiting list at any other schools.
All applicants who are not currently enrolled in a SCCPSS school ( or who have not been enrolled in SCCPSS continuously for the previous 3 semesters)and should apply online and MUST upload digital copies of the required documentation during the submission process. The required documentation must be uploaded with the online application and includes:
- Report Cards (previous three full semesters, equivalent to a full year and a half)
- Proof of Address (Utility Bill (electric, gas, water), Government Agency Mail, or Lease Agreement/Mortgage Statement)
- Required Test Scores: A nationally normed standardized test score in Reading, and a nationally normed standardized test score in Mathematics
- An attendance report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
- A discipline report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
STEP THREE: Lottery Process
Once the application window closes and the eligibility verification process is complete, an electronic random lottery will be conducted for all schools with the exception of Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts (grades 6th – 8th) and Savannah Arts Academy. Results from the lottery will be sent through email with instructions on the registration process and deadline.
- In early March, the lottery will be conducted. Names will be selected to fill seats at each school. Electronic selection will be based on the First Choice, Second Choice, and Third Choice of schools identified in the Choice Program application.
- Once a seat is earned through the lottery, the student’s name will be removed from other school waitlists.
- The number of students accepted is based upon the number of seats available at each school. Additional names will be put on the waitlist. As seats become available at the school, they will be offered to the applicants in the order of placement on the waitlist. Once a seat becomes available for a student at ANY of their selected Choice Schools, the student is automatically removed from all other waitlists.
- If the number of applicants does not exceed the number of available seats, all eligible applicants will be seated.
- Parents who receive acceptance letters for their children must register the students by the registration deadline. Students who do not register by the established deadline will forfeit their Choice seat and the seat will be offered to the next child on the waitlist.
Priority Preferences
The lottery process is used to ensure that all families have a chance of being seated in a Choice Program. The lottery process is automated and applications are submitted electronically. Online Application form and instructions will then be available on the district’s website at Once the application is submitted, an appropriate priority category is applied to all students. Students applying to Choice Programs are eligible to receive Priority Preferences based on the following:
- Priority 1 - SCCPSS Full-time Permanent Employee’s Child with Parent working at the Choice Program School
- Priority 2 - Chatham County Residents and SCCPSS Full-time Permanent Employee’s Child
- Priority 3 - Pre-K Child (Currently Enrolled at Selected Choice Program School)
- Priority 4 - Siblings
- Priority 5 - Chatham County Residents
- Priority 6 - SCCPSS Employee’s Child (Non-Chatham County Residents)
- Priority 7 - Out of County Residents
Priority 1 - SCCPSS Full-time Permanent Employee’s Child with Parent working at the Choice Program School
Priority 2 - Chatham County Residents and SCCPSS Full-time Permanent Employee’s Child
Priority 3 - Pre-K Child (Currently Enrolled at Selected Choice Program School)
Priority 4 - Siblings
The applicant must have a sibling who lives in the same household who will be continuing in the selected Choice Program for the upcoming school year. Eligibility at this level will require the sibling to be actively enrolled in the program for the applied school year. For example, if the Choice is an elementary school and the sibling was in 5th grade for the current school year, the applicant is NOT eligible for this priority. This priority will not apply to schools where admission is determined by ranking (Savannah Arts Academy and Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts, Grades 6-8).
Priority 5 - Chatham County Residents
Priority 6 - SCCPSS Employee’s Child (Non-Chatham County Residents)
Children of full-time permanent SCCPSS employees, who do not live in Chatham County, but meet the enrollment criteria for the selected Choice Program. These students will be wait-listed after all qualified resident students have been admitted. (See Board Policy Regulation JBCBA-R)
Priority 7 - Out of County Residents
STEP FOUR: The Registration Process
Upon notification that a child has been chosen for an available seat in a Choice Program, parents will complete the registration process. This process happens in March, after the lottery.
- Once a student is selected for a choice program through the lottery, a registration email will be sent to the email address provided on the choice applications.
- Parents who receive registration emails for their children must register the students by the registration deadline provided in the email. Students who do not register by the established deadline will forfeit their Choice seat and the seat will be offered to the next child on the waitlist.
Students Currently Enrolled in SCCPSS
Parents with students who are currently enrolled in SCCPSS who receive notification of placement in a Choice school are also required to register.
Failure to register for a seat offered during the choice program process by the registration deadline will result in the seat being offered to a student on the waiting list. The following information will assist parents with understanding the registration process.
- Current SCCPSS students will complete the registration process through the link provided through email. Completion of the online registration is the only step that current SCCPSS students need to take to secure their seat. Current SCCPSS students DO NOT have to provide additional documentation unless contacted by the school.
- A student who is not registered by the deadline will have his/her seat given to another student on the "waitlist".
- Parents who do not have access to the internet may complete this process by using a computer in the public library or by contacting the SCCPSS Office of College & Career Readiness at 912-395-6765 to set up an appointment to use a computer.
Students NOT Enrolled in SCCPSS
Students who are NOT currently enrolled in a Savannah-Chatham County Public School MUST register online.
The following documents will be required during the registration process: Birth Certificate (Certified Copy), Social Security Card, Georgia Immunization Record Form 3231, Georgia Certificate of EED (Ear, Eye, Dental) Form 3300, Proof of Address: Utility Bill (electric, gas, or water) Government Agency Mail, or Lease Agreement, Mortgage Statement, or Home Purchase Agreement, Copy of registering parent’s picture ID.
See Required Documents for Enrollment page.
Parents will receive more information about the registration process once a student has earned a seat through the lottery.
Appeals Process
Parents who believe their child was not allowed an equitable opportunity to be selected for a Choice Program during the audition or eligibility process as a result of a technical problem or inequity may request an appeal between February 15, 2025, and February 21, 2025. (Exception: Savannah Arts Academy and Garrison School for the Arts, grades 6 – 8, will accept appeals from February 8, 2025, to February 13, 2025.)
An application for an appeal of Choice Program eligibility must be submitted to the Office of College and Career Readiness, via email to and, indicating the child’s program assignment, waitlist status, or program ineligibility. To download the SCCPSS Choice School Appeal Application, go to
All applicants who are not currently enrolled in a SCCPSS school (who have not been enrolled in SCCPSS continuously for the previous 3 semesters) should apply online and MUST upload digital copies of the required documentation during the submission process. The required documentation must be uploaded with the online application and includes:
- Report Cards (previous three full semesters, equivalent to a full year and a half)
- Proof of Address (Utility Bill (electric, gas, water), Government Agency Mail, or Lease Agreement/Mortgage Statement)
- Required Test Scores: A nationally normed standardized test score in Reading, and a nationally normed standardized test score in Mathematics
- An attendance report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
- A discipline report covering the time period from January 2024 – December 2024
After Lottery Application Process
Families interested in a Choice Program that wish to apply after the lottery process is complete, can access an “After Lottery Application” online at Late applications will place students on the schools’ waitlist in the order received upon eligibility criteria verification. Out of County applicants and those students NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED (this includes out of county, home school, virtual school, and private school students) in the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System must upload ALL required documents to the online application upon submission. If space in the school or program becomes available, parents will receive notification. Otherwise, the student is expected to enroll at their neighborhood school in the attendance zone they reside. After Lottery Applications will be available beginning April 8, 2025. The deadline for reviewing After Lottery Applications will be June 15, 2025. At that time, only programs with available seats will review applications.
Pre-Kindergarten vs. Kindergarten
All families interested in Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K), must complete the Pre-K application process. Information about the Pre-K application can be found at The Pre-K program provides services to age eligible four year olds (MUST be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the school year) and reside in Chatham County. Please understand that even though some of our Choice Program schools have Pre-K classes, applicants CAN NOT apply through the Choice Program process for PreK.
Students applying for Kindergarten must be five years old, on or before September 1 of the school year in which they are applying. All families interested in Choice Program Kindergarten, must apply at
Choice Program Athletic Participation
Choice school students will only be eligible to participate in athletic opportunities offered at their choice school. Any requests for an exception to this standard limitation will only be formally reviewed under exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and only if all applicable GHSA requirements are satisfied.
Guidelines for Twins, Triplets, etc.
Multiple births refer to children that were born at the same time, twins, triplets, and other multiples. Families with twins, triplets, etc. have the options of applying multiple children on one application. The use of the same application for multiple birth children will allow children to be treated identically when determining eligibility. This means, if one child is not eligible, the other(s) will not be eligible. If all children are eligible they will be entered into the lottery together.
- Parents should include all names online (and on the same paper application) only if they want all children to attend the same program AND only if they are certain that ALL children meet the entrance criteria.
- Multiple births that use the same application form will be treated identically when determining eligibility.
- Multiple birth children who apply on the same application will be reviewed together and will be seated or waitlisted sequentially. However, in the case where parents select more than one Choice Program and the first student gets the final seat at a school, the second or third sibling could end up on multiple waitlists, or seated at a different school than the first sibling.
- Twins, triplets, etc. can apply on separate applications, but there is no guarantee that all siblings will be placed in the same school or program.
- All multiple birth children applying for Grades 6-8 at Garrison School for the Arts and Savannah Arts Academy MUST apply on separate applications because auditions are required for all students and placement is based on ranking.
If you have twins, triplets, etc. and would like further clarification, please contact the Office of College and Career Readiness at 912-395-6765 or email
Students with Disabilities & Accommodations for Auditions
Students with disabilities are encouraged to apply for entrance into a Choice Program. Applications for appeal will be reviewed in collaboration with personnel from the Department of Specialized Instruction to determine if the disability is impacting student’s ability to qualify for the lottery.
Accommodations for Auditions
A parent/guardian must notify the SCCPSS Office of College and Career Readiness immediately following the submission of the application if the child has a special need that requires accommodations for his/her audition. Accommodations to the audition process are permissible for students with special needs documented in an active IEP or 504 Plan. A copy of the child’s current IEP or 504 Plan (public school students) or medical evaluation (private school students) must be provided to the Office of College & Career Readiness, 402 Market Street, Savannah, 31408, within five business days of submitting the application in order to ensure audition accommodations.
Students who have limited proficiency in the English language are encouraged to audition in their native language, if needed. Students identified as ELL can be provided language facilitators for their auditions. Please contact Jessica Horton ( and Dr. Angie Lewis ( at 912-395-6765 if audition accommodations are needed.
Home School Education and/or Virtual School Students
Parents must submit transcripts/portfolio to determine eligibility. Georgia’s Home Study law (GA Code Ann. 20-2-690-(c)(7)), requires that all home schooled children take a national standardized achievement test every three years, beginning at the end of the third grade. The home schooling parent may use any nationally normed standardized test. The testing companies set the rules as to the qualifications of the person administering the test and under what circumstances the test should be given. The home schooling parent is responsible for the cost of the test and having their children tested. The state does not provide this service. The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System will allow parents to use the latest available test scores as a part of the application criteria for a Choice Program.
Students who move into the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System after the initial lottery may be considered for assignment to a program for the following school year if they are eligible, have evidence of transferring from a like-themed program (i.e. IB, Arts, STEM, etc.) that they have attended at least one full year, and there are available seats in the requested program/school for the student. If the student is requesting a Performing Arts program at one of the two schools with auditions required for eligibility, placement will only be considered if seats are available in the requested program of study, an audition is completed, and a passing audition score is attained. However, there is no guarantee of time, place, or availability of auditions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do I apply for a Choice Program? The application process is online. The application window will be January 11 – January 31, 2025. During this time, the online application will be available on the district website,
- What if I don’t have a computer or Internet access? The Office of College & Career Readiness can provide assistance with accessing the online application, if needed, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Please call 912-395-6765 to set up an appointment. Public computers are also available at any of the Chatham County Public Libraries.
- If I am enrolled in a choice program and plan to return to the same program at the same school do I need to reapply each year? No, enrollment remains through the highest grade offered for that program at the same school. *Exception: All 5th grade students at Garrison School for the Arts must apply, meet criteria and audition to be considered for 6th grade.
- If I already attend a school that has a Choice Program but I am not enrolled in the Choice Program, do I have to apply for the Choice Program they offer? Yes, and the child must meet the established criteria for that choice program.
- What programs require an audition or artistic review? Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts, grades 6-8, and Savannah Arts Academy will require an audition and/or artistic review process.
- What happens if there are more applicants than space available for a non-audition program? Those students who meet the Choice Program criteria but are not selected through the Choice Program lottery will be placed on the waitlist.
- How long after the lottery will parents be notified of their child’s status? What happens after the lottery? Parents will be notified through email of Choice Program lottery results on March 7, 2025, after 4:00pm.
- Is there an appeal process? Yes. Parents who believe their child was not allowed an equitable opportunity to a Choice Program during the audition or eligibility process as a result of a technical problem or inequity may request an appeal during the appeal window. An application for an appeal of Choice Program eligibility must be submitted via email to and, indicating the child’s program assignment, waitlist status, or program ineligibility. To download the SCCPSS Choice Program Appeal Application, go to
- Is transportation provided for Choice programs? SCCPSS is not able to provide transportation to Choice Program students at this time.
- How can I find more information about these programs? All of the Choice program details can be found on the district web site at
Contact Information
Elementary and K-8 Schools |
Program |
Number |
Andrea B. Williams Elementary |
The STEAM Magnet Program |
(912) 395-2500 |
Heard Elementary |
Center for Advanced Learning & STEAM |
(912) 395-6630 |
Hodge Elementary |
Medical and Allied Health |
(912) 395-5200 |
J.G. Smith Elementary |
Traditional |
(912) 395-6530 |
Marshpoint Elementary |
Environmental Sciences |
(912) 395-4000 |
Charles Ellis Montessori K-8 School |
Montessori |
(912) 395-5470 |
Esther F. Garrison |
Visual and Performing Arts |
(912) 395-5975 |
Middle Schools |
Program |
Number |
The STEM Academy at Bartlett |
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math |
(912) 395-3500 |
Coastal Middle School |
S.A.L.T Program |
(912) 395-3950 |
DeRenne Middle School |
Medical and Allied Health |
(912) 395-5900 |
Hubert Middle School |
Innovative Learning Academy |
(912) 395-5235 |
Southwest Middle School |
Cinematic Studies |
(912) 395-3540 |
High Schools |
Program |
Number |
Beach High School |
Medical & Allied Health |
(912) 395-5330 |
Groves High School |
Maritime Logistics & |
(912) 395-2520 |
Islands High School |
Environmental Scientific Research & Veterinary Science |
(912) 395-2000 |
Jenkins High School |
School of Engineering |
(912) 395-6300 |
Johnson High School |
International Baccalaureate |
(912) 395-6400 |
Savannah Arts Academy |
Visual and Performing Arts |
(912) 395-5000 |
Savannah Early College High School |
Early College |
(912) 395-2535 |
Savannah Early College High School |
Cloud Computing |
(912) 395-2535 |
School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High School |
STEAM Career Academy |
(912) 395-5050 |
Windsor Forest High School |
Aviation Drone Program @ WHFS |
(912) 395-3400 |
Woodville Tompkins |
Career and Technical |
(912) 395-6750 |