GaTapp: Teach Savannah Learning Academy
TEACH Savannah Learning Academy (TSLA) is committed to the mission and vision of the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System and supports its strategic goals and guiding principles as outlined in the District’s Accountability System. Its purpose is to provide a job-embedded, research-based program for teacher preparation that leads to teacher certification in a professional field. The 12 to 18-month program provides candidates with guidance by a clinical supervisor and a school-based mentor while taking instructional pedagogy courses, teaching seminars, and participating in field experiences that provide them with a sound theoretical foundation and the opportunity to engage in practical application that has immediate impacts for professional practice. SCCPSS nurtures the development of effective and proficient educators by implementing a robust, purposeful, and differentiated professional learning experience in accordance with Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) rules and requirements and with respect for the diverse backgrounds, abilities, and experiences of the TSLA candidates. SCCPSS supports teachers in their progress from discovery to application to achievement, in teaching and learning at high levels.
• Have a signed employment contract as a teacher working in the area of desired certification with the SCCPSS.
• Hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
• Have a passing score on the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) Content Assessment.
• Hold/qualify for a Georgia Provisional certificate or permit.
• Submit a complete application packet to include the application, administrator recommendation form.
• GACE score report, Ethics 360 completion confirmation, official transcripts, signed and notarized payroll deduction form.