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Specialized Learning

The Department for Specialized Learning believes that as educators, we have an obligation to educate all students by providing a quality education. All students deserve the opportunity to reach their maximum potential and it is incumbent upon educators to assist students in reaching that potential. In SCCPSS, students are provided with experiences that will translate into student success, not just academically, but socially, emotionally, and behaviorally as well. ​​

Building Resilience and Behavioral Services The Department of Specialized Instruction is committed to Building on Student Strengths to provide students and families with a variety of supports and resources to help improve resilience and develop positive social skills and reduce challenging behaviors.​  » Learn More

Psychological Services School psychologists work with students, educators, and families to support the academic achievement, positive behavior, social development and mental wellness of all students, especially diverse learners and those with barriers to learning, by promoting instructional strategies to close the achievement gap; creating safe, positive school climates; providing meaningful accountability and data-driven problem-solving; and strengthening family-school partnerships. ​ »​ Learn More

Pre-school intervention and Assessment Center The Preschool Intervention program is designed to provide individualized services to three to five-year-old children who have special education needs. Preschool Intervention provides learning experiences to improve communication, motor, cognition, social-emotional, behavioral, and self-help skills in young children.  ​​ »​ Learn More

Autism Services and Programs​ Autism services encompass a full range of services and supports for students and school staff including the provision of resources, training and specially designed services, such as targeted, autism specific interventions and programming. ​ »​ Learn More

Hospital Homebound Services When students who are unable to attend school ·due to a diagnosed medical or psychiatric condition for a minimum of ten consecutive school days or for intermittent periods of time may be provided   educational services in the hospital or at the child's home. ​ » Learn More

Speech Language Services  Speech Language Pathologists’ roles involve the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders such as speech fluency (stuttering), speech sound production/articulation, language or voice impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. ​ » Learn More

Adaptive Services and Unique Learning System Students with significant cognitive disabilities receive instruction through Unique Learning System.​  
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Transition and Post-Secondary Support Transition planning as outlined under IDEA addresses post-secondary education opportunities, integrated employment, independent/community living and agency linkages.   » Learn More​

Related Services and Therapy Physical and Occupational Therapy (PT/OT), Orientation and Mobility (O&M) and Assistive Technology (AT) are considered related services under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). They are therefore support services for students with disabilities who are eligible for special education or have a 504 plan in place. ​  » Learn More​​