Specialized Instruction
Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Act
The Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Public School Transfer process will be open May 1st through May 8th . Parents of a student with a disability, who are interested in a public school transfer within the District, are encouraged to submit their request online by completing the secure form located at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/f8ZF6tTFSD
Parents will be notified by June 30, 2024 of the status of their transfer request.
As a parent of a student with a disability, the District is required to notify you of options available under the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Act O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2113.
If a student meets the eligibility criteria for the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship you have the following options:
The parent may choose for the student to attend another public school within the resident school system which has available space and which has a program with the services agreed to in the student's existing Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. If the parent chooses this option, then the parent shall be responsible for transportation to such school.
The student may attend such public school pursuant to this paragraph until the student completes all grades of the school, graduates, or reaches the age of 21, whichever occurs first, in accordance with federal and state requirements for disabled students;
The parent may choose to enroll the student in and transport the student to a public school outside of the student's resident school system which has available space and which has a program with the services agreed to in the student's existing Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. The nonresident public school system may accept the student, and if it does, such system shall report the student for purposes of funding to the department [GADOE];
The parent may choose for the student to attend one of the state schools for the deaf and blind operated by the State Board of Education, if appropriate for the student's needs. Funding for such students shall be provided in accordance with Code Section 20-2-302;
The parent may request and receive from the department [GADOE] a scholarship for the student to enroll in and attend a participating private school.