Gifted Services
Contact Us:
208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-1112
Differentiated Curriculum:
Our curriculum is meticulously tailored to meet the advanced learning needs of gifted students. Through differentiation, we adjust content, teaching strategies, and mastery expectations to ensure a challenging and enriching educational experience. We prioritize using comprehensive assessment results to accurately match students with appropriate instructional services, emphasizing equity in recognizing and nurturing their potential.
Curricular Foundations:
The curricula developed by SCCPSS for gifted learners are rooted in the unique characteristics that distinguish them, such as their ability to learn at an accelerated pace, tackle complex problems, and engage with abstract concepts. These foundational principles guide the design of our gifted curricula, fostering intellectual growth and interdisciplinary connections.
Implementation Strategies:
Our curriculum implementation encompasses various models of service tailored to meet the diverse needs of gifted students:
- Advanced Content Model: Students engage in a rigorous curriculum aligned with Georgia Standards of Excellence, exceeding typical grade-level expectations. Courses are meticulously documented by the district's Gifted and Curriculum and Instruction departments, with designations such as Honors, Accelerated, Advanced Placement, or International Baccalaureate at the high school level.
- Cluster or Collaborative Models: Students receive differentiated instruction in core content areas based on their individual strengths, as identified in eligibility reports and assessment data. Each student participating in these models has a personalized contract outlining modifications agreed upon by the gifted education program teacher, parent, and classroom teacher.
- Resource Model: Elementary-level and some middle-level students participate in enrichment units and competitions, complemented by regular lessons addressing their social and emotional well-being within the Affective Domain.
Gifted Education Program Standards:
Our program is dedicated to fostering the development of essential skills in gifted students:
- Research Skills - Develops advanced research skills and methods which include in-depth self-selected topics within an area of study.
- Cognitive Skills - Develops and practices creative thinking and creative problem solving skills within a variety of complex topics.
- Learning Skills - Develops and practices critical thinking and logical problem solving skills in academic areas.
- Communication Skills - Develops advanced communication skills via new techniques, materials, and formats (written, oral or visual) in products and through presentations shared with an audience.
- Affective Skills - Develops an understanding of self and how their unique characteristics may influence interactions with others.
Our commitment to excellence in gifted education extends beyond academic achievement, encompassing holistic growth and personal development.
For more information about our gifted curriculum, please contact your school's gifted education coordinator or reach out to our district Gifted and Talented department. We are here to support the unique educational journey of every gifted student.