Gifted Services
Contact Us:
208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-1112
Nomination and Testing Process
The process of identifying potentially gifted students in Savannah-Chatham Public Schools involves referrals from various stakeholders, including classroom teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, or self-referrals.
Nomination Committees:
Nomination committees consist of lead gifted education program teachers from each school site, along with other certified gifted teachers. Evaluators are required to hold a teaching certificate with a gifted endorsement.
Notification Process:
Notification to Parents of the Nomination and Referral Process for Gifted Services is automatically sent home via the SERVO registration system.
A nomination form with supporting documentation is required for each student considered for nomination/referral for gifted testing.
Gifted Testing Process:
Students referred for gifted testing undergo assessment using approved testing instruments. Testing data included in the eligibility process must be within two years of the juried panel date.
Eligibility Criteria for Gifted Education:
As described in the district's Gifted Education Manual, students in Savannah-Chatham Public Schools must meet specific eligibility criteria to qualify for gifted education services. There are two main options for eligibility assessment:
Eligibility Criteria Overview:
- Mental Ability: Students must achieve a score at or above the 96th percentile on a standardized test of mental ability.
- Achievement: Students must achieve a score at or above the 90th percentile on standardized achievement tests in Math or Reading, or demonstrate superior product/performance.
- Creativity: Students must achieve a score at or above the 90th percentile on a standardized test of creative thinking or demonstrate superior product/performance.
- Motivation: Students must demonstrate high motivation, either through standardized motivational rating scales or through GPA criteria.
Communication and Training:
The Nomination/Referral process is communicated to school staff and administration through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) conducted by the assigned gifted education program teacher at the beginning of each academic year/during Pre-Planning.
Information about the Nomination/Referral process is updated annually on the SCCPSS public website.