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Pre-School Intervention and Assessment Center

The Preschool Intervention program is a free service of the Savannah-Chatham County Public School ​System. This program is designed to provide individualized services to three to five-year-old children who may have special education needs. Preschool Intervention provides learning experiences to improve communication, motor, cognition, social-emotional, behavioral, and self-help skills in young children. 


Anyone supporting a child 3-5 years of age who suspects the child may have a disability should refer the parents to our Preschool Intervention Department for screening. We can be reached at 912-395-1294. Screenings are provided free of charge and are offered multiple times a year.


 When parents phone our office, their child is scheduled for a screening appointment.

  • A packet will be mailed to the parents for them to complete prior to the screening. The packet includes a family history and directions for their appointment. If other concerns are presented to us, it may also include forms for physicians and/or specialists to complete. 
  • During the screening process we offer the following if needed:​
    • Vision screening – either with a nurse or with a PlusOptix screener
    • Hearing screening – with a school-based audiologist
    • Communication screening by a Speech Language Pathologist

Developmental screening by a Preschool Developmental Teacher

  • After all needed screenings are complete, results will be shared with the families and further recommendations presented. 
  • When children pass the screenings, parents are provided interventions to support continued growth in the area(s) of parental concern.
  • When children need further testing, they are scheduled into the Play Based Assessment Center for the appropriate evaluations. 

What happens if your child is referred for an evaluation?

Your child will be scheduled for a play-based assessment. 

  • A meeting will be held scheduled with the parents soon after with the assessment team to review the evaluation results and determine if your child meets eligibility criteria for special education supports and services.
  • When children do not meet eligibility criteria, parents are provided with interventions to support continued growth.
  • When children do qualify for services, a meeting is scheduled to develop an Individualized education program.​​

Now my child has an IEP what is next?

Children who qualify for Preschool Special Education services will receive support in their least restrictive environment which may be in the home, a daycare, a public-school preschool program or an alternate community location.