Board of Education Police Department
Chief Terry Enoch
Chief of the Board of Education Police Department
Contact Us:
507 S. Coastal Highway Port Wentworth, GA 31408Administrative Offices: (912) 395-5535
24-Hour Emergency Line: (912) 395-5536
About Us
The Board of Education Police Department (BOEPD) was established in 1985 to provide safety and security for the district’s schools, students and employees. Our jurisdiction covers over 360 square miles, 62 schools and administrative buildings, approximately 38,000 students and 5,600 employees. The department is a state-certified agency and is recognized as one of the top law enforcement agencies in the State of Georgia. The attainment of state certification places the BOE Police Department among the best 180 agencies to meet the law enforcement standards that exhibits the highest regard for community, professionalism and officer safety.