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Frequently Used Terms

Awarded – a status of a Bid or RFP.  The submitted Bid or RFP is accepted by SCCPSS and awarded to the respective company or vendor.

Contract Documents - shall mean collectively the Bid Cover Page, legal advertisement, Bid Notice, Bid Documents, Bid, and any other document required by the Chief Financial Officer.  The above documents shall be considered as one integrated document setting forth the obligations of the parties.

Extended Closing Date - the submission window is extended due to unmet requirements.  A non-exclusive list of reasons why the deadline may be extended include:  the issuance of addenda to the solicitation or the associated specifications, a total absence of proposals, SCCPSS closure due to inclement weather, etc.

Invitation to Bid (ITB) - is used to obtain pricing on specific goods or services.  All responses shall be publicly opened on the scheduled date and time shown in the solicitation.

Open/Closing Date – the RFP/Bids submitted to the Purchasing Department are opened when the submission window closes.  The closing of the submission window and the opening of bids occur on the same day.

Rejection of a RFP/Bid – the failure of a offeror/bidder to observe and follow the instructions and conditions of an RFP/Bid can constitute grounds for rejection of the RFP/Bid submittal and/or removal from the list of bidders.

Request for Proposal (RFP) - is based on a scope of work and will be evaluated by a committee based on pre-determined evaluation criteria to determine which vendor offers the “best value” to the District.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - is used to determine the qualifications of a vendor to provide goods or services and will be evaluated by a committee.

Request for Information (RFI) - is used to obtain information from potential vendors prior to issuing a formal solicitation (ITB, RFP or RFQ).  The information submitted may be used to develop specifications or scope of work for a formal solicitation.

Solicitation No. – a number used to identify a Bid or RFP.

Specifications - shall mean the description of the services, work, goods, equipment, personnel, volume and use statistics and all requirements for the scope of work set forth in the Contract Documents.

Supporting Docs - links to a folder containing documents pertaining to the respective Bid or RFP.  These may contain Addendum, Award and Denial Letters, Bid Tabulations, etc.

Under Evaluation – a status of an active Bid or RFP. The Bid or RFP has been opened by the Purchasing team and is under review.