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The Pre-K Lottery application for School Year 2025-26 closed on January 31, 2025. Lottery notifications will be released on March 7, 2025.

The Waitlist application will open on March 12, 2025.

Program Requirements

  • Child must turn four years old by September 1, 2025
  • Child must be a resident of Chatham County.

Lottery Procedures

Waitlist Process

If your child is placed on a waitlist from the lottery process, you will be contacted by email and/or phone call once a seat becomes available. You will have 24 hours to accept the seat.


The lottery process is used to ensure that all families have a chance of being seated in a Pre-Kindergarten program. The lottery process is automated, and applications are submitted electronically. Once the application is submitted, an appropriate priority category is applied to students. Students applying to Pre-Kindergarten are eligible to receive Priority Preferences based on the following:

  • Priority 1: SCCPSS Full time Permanent Employee’s Child with Parent working at the Pre-Kindergarten School - Children of full-time employees of the SCCPSS shall be allowed to be enrolled in the school in which a parent or guardian is a full-time employee.
  • Priority 2: Zone School Priority - Priority is given to families who choose their zone school as their first choice on the application.