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Our Schools


Contact Us:

208 Bull Street

Savannah, GA 31401

(912) 395-5582


Regular school attendance is a key component to a child’s academic success. Children who do not attend on a regular basis, routinely arrive late or leave early may face disenrollment. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than two days per month without a medical excuse. Chronic tardiness is defined as late arrival, early departure and/or late pick up more than once per week. Chronic tardiness, early departure and/or late pick up may also be defined by an established regular attendance pattern, e.g., if a child is late every Monday or leaves early every Friday.

If a child is absent due to an illness, a medical excuse must be provided for the absence to be excused.

If a student is absent 10 consecutive days, the student will be disenrolled unless a medical excuse is provided.

For more information or questions regarding attendance, please contact the Student & Family Service Center