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208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-5585
Education Legislation
SCCPSS has an official agreement (ID#46507), effective July 3, 2007, with the U.S Department of Homeland Security, U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, Employment Eligibility Verification Program.
Every Student Succeeds Act
You may request information about the professional qualifications of your student's teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s).
House Bill 149
High school students may enroll in an eligible participating postsecondary institution and earn dual-credits (high school & college).
House Bill 175
The Georgia Online Clearinghouse provides students with access to high-quality academic and career-oriented courses aligned to state and national standards through a variety of online providers.
House Bill 251
HB 251 (Public School Choice) has been waved under the Georgia Flexibility Option SWSS/IE2.
McKinney-Vento Act
Homeless children who reside within the school district are entitled to a free, appropriate public education.
Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program
The Georgia Special Needs Scholarship provides parents of students with disabilities enrolled in Georgia public schools with an active IEP the opportunity to transfer their children to another public school or to a state approved private school in Georgia.
Senate Bill 289
Districts must allow students to take a course offered through the Georgia Virtual School even if the course is offered at the student’s local school