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Our Schools


Megan Davidson

Chief Operations Officer

Contact Us:

208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-3000

About Us

The Division of Operations consider ourselves to be the "customer service" center for the school system. Our jobs are to make certain that every asset of the district is where it is supposed to be, is operable when a button is pushed or key is turned, is on time and transparent, and is problem free. Our mission "to ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels" is kept in the forefront as we strive to provide support to our administrators, staff, students, parents and the community to ensure the district operates at its optimum.

Our team stand ready, willing, and able to provide the highest level of professionalism and strive to meet your every expectation. We welcome the opportunity to address the needs of schools individually and the district in total. We are 

  • Maintenance & Operations
  • School Nutrition Program
  • Transportation
  • Capital Projects
  • Facilities Rental Request​

The Division works to ensure all school facilities are operating effectively and efficiently. The proper maintenance and upkeep of the buildings and grounds throughout the school district are key to the mission of maintaining a safe environment for students and staff.  

Our School Nutrition Program serve nutritious breakfasts and lunches that reflect current science-based research that meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans through the meal patterns outline in the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Acts. The program has been recognized and awarded on the regional, state, and national fronts for the services rendered.

After nearly two decades, the Transportation Department was transitioned from a third party vendor in house school year 2016-2017. The team continues to evolve as routes and schedules are perfected in the efforts to transport our students to school, field trips, special events, and back home safely.

The leadership of Capital Projects team members direct, coordinate, and review the District’s building and renovation programs in the areas of planning, design and construction. New multi-million dollar schools, facility upgrades, and campus additions are constructed under their watchful eyes. They proudly represent SCCPSS in meetings throughout the community assisting with professional interpretations and explanations of construction process.

Many projects have been funded by the Educational Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST). The continuation of this one cent sales tax was approved with overwhelming support by the citizens of Chatham County, and has provided a method of funding to maintain the continued growth and improvement of Savannah-Chatham schools.

The District encourages educational organizations, youth programs, civic/community service organizations, and private/for-profit companies to utilize our facilities when not in use for student instruction. Use of Facilities Applications may be completed and submitted online. An Operations team member will be happy to assist.​