School Nutrition Program
Contact Us:
208 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 395-5548
Meal Payments
Every student in the district has a meal account. During meal service students are recognized by their personal identification number (student ID) at the cash register. The computer records the meal and deducts the appropriate amount from the student’s account.
There are three acceptable forms of payment for school lunch:
- Cash
- Money Order
Cash and/or money order may be brought daily or put on the child’s account at the cafeteria., the on-line prepayment option is encouraged for your children. is available for parents to place money electronically on their child’s account. To create an account you will need the student ID.
Benefits of
- You may use a credit card or debit card to put funds on account.
- You may monitor your child’s daily usage amount and what items they may be purchasing
- An email reminder may be sent to you when funds on account are below a certain amount to ensure your child does not run out of money.
- You may setup an automatic payment
You may create an account on even if you do not want to use it as a payment system. It may be utilized strictly to monitor purchases.
Payments made through this third party vendor are completely optional. You may also make payments the traditional way in the cafeteria. There is a small transaction fee per transaction of 4.5% when adding funds to your students account that is assessed for using this service that goes to the third party, Heartland Payment Systems. Any questions concerning may be answered by calling (855) 832-5226
Like many other businesses, operational costs to deliver the MySchoolBucks platform and related services have increased. The Fall 2023 Program Fee is intended to help offset increased costs while continuing to provide the highest levels of technology, security, and privacy to parents and administrators using the service. The fee also helps to cover increased costs associated with providing personal, live customer service to staff and parents, without the school district incurring any unbudgeted costs.
If you have any questions, please call our MySchoolBucks Admin Support line at 800.803.6755
Once the student's account is exhausted, the Point of Sale Operator is required to offer the alternate meal to each Full-Price paying students and those students qualifying for Reduced-Price meals without adequate funds to cover the cost of the meal. The alternate meal will consist of Two (2) ounces of Meal/Meat Alternate on Two (2) slices of Whole Wheat Bread served with One (1) carton of Unflavored Skim Milk and One-half (1/2) cup of fruit.
You may view the policy on alternate meals by visiting the Board Policy Manual and referencing JGH and JGH-R.
The School Nutrition Program (SNP) does not allow students the option to charge Reduced-Price and Paid Meals for breakfast and/or lunch. The program understands the correlation between hunger and its effect on a child’s ability to learn.