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Bus Safety

Safety Is Our #1 Priority 

Parents/Guardians are an important part of the total safety awareness program for students who travel to and from school by bus. Students can benefit from learning to become safe pedestrians and passengers.

Here’s how you can help: 

  • Help your children leave on time. Plan to arrive at the bus stop ten minutes before the scheduled pickup time.

  • Tell your students to walk in groups, if possible.

  • Please train pets to stay in the yard, away from bus traffic.

  • Remind children to walk on the sidewalks or out of the street, single file, facing traffic.

  • Teach your children to STOP, look left, right, and then left again before crossing the street.

  • Running games, shoving, or horseplay is too dangerous at the bus stop and around traffic.

  • Tell children to stand six feet (3 GIANT STEPS) away from the street when waiting for the bus.

  • Children should wait to board the bus until the bus driver says it’s OK.

  • If anything is dropped during loading or unloading, students must wait for instructions from the driver before retrieving their items.

  • Six feet on either side and ten feet in front of the bus are considered the Danger Zone. This is the area most difficult to SEE students!

  • Teach your students to STOP and look before hurrying away from the bus as they exit at the end of the day.

  • No objects should be thrown from the bus.

To report a transportation safety concern, please submit the Transportation Safety Survey Form (PDF - 184 KB)