Per the Savanah Chatham County Board of Education Policy and the State of Georgia guidelines:
- Transportation shall be provided to eligible students to and from their assigned bus stop provided students are outside the o ne and one-half mile (1 ½) non transport zone (NTZ) as defined by board policy.
- Students who are admitted to specialty programs are eligible for transportation from an assigned bus stop to the specialty program. If the student is within the one and one-half mile NTZ of the specialty program school, transportation will not be provided.
- Transportation to an Alternative Program is a privilege granted by the Board of Education (BOE). Secondary students assigned to an Alternative Program are assigned transportation on the basis of geographical region. Transportation has established pick-up points throughout Savannah-Chatham County.
- The Following conditions DO NOT WARRANT a change of bus stop:
- Parent’s desire to be able to see the bus stop from the home.
- Convenience
- The bus passes your house in route to or from the stop
- If the current stop is within ½ mile from the residence for Middle and High School or 1/3 mile for elementary school students.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to insure the student’s safe transport to and from the assigned bus stop or pick-up point.
- Medical hardship requests only apply to medical conditions affecting students.