The full color green logo is our preferred version and should be used where possible. If the full color green logo cannot be used, approved alternative versions are the black-and-white logo and the full white logo.
The logo has been designed for readability over a wide range of sizes from banner-size prints to business cards. The standard dimensions for the logo are 2 x 1.5 inches, however, for uses where space is constrained the logo may be reduced to as small as 1 x 0.75 inches. The logo must never be smaller than the minimum allowed dimensions and should never appear distorted. If you need to resize the logo, hold down the shift key while pulling the corner handles. This will ensure that proper proportions are maintained. If smaller versions of the logo are needed for specialty items (pens, notebooks, etc), please contact the Communications Department.
To maintain brand integrity, no alterations should be made to the logo or wordmark. The full color green logo is our preferred version and should be used across all communication vehicles, where possible. When documents are printed in black and white, the logo will appear black.
The district logo lends credibility to our brand. When used in tandem with another organization’s logo, the master SCCPSS logo must always be present and appear as the dominant logo.
The logo should never be rotated in any way, including on its side or upside down. It should not be tilted, condensed, or expanded. The text “Savannah Chatham County Public School System” under the logo is optional, but when it is used, the full district name must be displayed and may not extend past the width of the logo. Use the logo preferably in color; however, black is acceptable.
Any use of the brand ID should be coordinated through the Division of Public Affairs unless a Memorandum of Understanding is in place.