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Our Schools

Peachjar E-Flyers

We are excited to share information about our partnership with Peachjar to help us unite schools, parents, and communities in our collective mission to elevate student outcomes!  The Savannah-Chatham County Public School District works with community organizations to publicize not-for-profit programs, services, and special events, which might be of interest to students and their parents.  In an effort to assist community organizations while minimizing the loss of instructional time associated with distributing materials at school, the district follows the following procedure:

Peachjar's platform streamlines school-to-home communication by distributing valuable school and community resources directly to families as digital flyers.  The district does not distribute flyers directly to students. ​​​By enabling our district to go paperless, Peachjar helps us save thousands of trees each year.​

The district makes approved electronic flyers available to parents through Peachjar and refers to Peachjar all requests from groups or individuals who would like to make their information about not-for-profit activities or enrichment services available to Savannah-Chatham County County School District students. 

Approved electronic flyers, information or brochures with school and district announcements, newsletters, messages and information about not-for-profit (501c3) organizations' activities or services; school activities or services such as PTA/PTO, SIC or Booster Club notices; and enrichment opportunities such as after-school or summer activities are delivered to parents by email and posted on the individual school's Peachjar website. 

Parents simply go to a school's webpage, click on the Peachjar logo, then click on the link by their school name to see the approved flyers for that school.

In an effort to keep flyers relevant to parents, Peachjar limits Community Free (Free-For-Free) flyer distribution to one post every 30 days for up to 25 schools per organization. Please note, local community organizations can continue to promote all free programs within a 30-day time period by making sure that one posting contains all activities happening within that 30 days within a multipage flier. 

Peachjar makes exceptions for school groups such as Booster Clubs, Education Foundations and others on a case-by-case basis.

Peachjar manages flyer distribution on behalf of our schools. To post a flyer, organizations register at, or click the Peachjar button below, select the desired school(s) for distribution and upload the flyer.

The flyer is then automatically submitted to the district for approval. Once approved, the flyer is delivered to parents by email as an embedded image (not a link) and posted online. Once a flyer is posted to a school's Peachjar site, parents can view the flyer by clicking on the Peachjar logo on the school's website. 

Community organizations and enrichment providers (both for-profit and non-profit) are subject to Peachjar's service fee when they post a flyer to promote/announce an activity or event with a participation fee. This also happens when the flyer describes an event that is held without charge for the purpose of enticing attendees to buy products or services, or to participate in a fee-based program or activity. 

​Peachjar offers a free community flyer program to organizations promoting a free event or activity that does not entice participants to join a fee-based program or purchase products or services. All flyers submitted for free distribution will be reviewed by Peachjar for verification of eligibility.  The SCCPSS Communications Department does not have the power to waive Peachjar's fees.  If you believe your organization qualifies for free distribution of your event or program flyer you must contact Peachjar Customer Service by chat, email, or phone - contact information is available on their website and below.  ​The program provider may only distribute one time every 30 days, and the flyer duration cannot exceed thirty (30) days.

To submit your flyer for district approval, follow the steps below. 

1. Register your account as a Community Organization on

2. Review Peachjar’s Guide for Community Organizations for information about discount pricing, flyer creation tips, and more.

3. Go to ‘Post & Notify​’ in your account to submit a flyer.

After you hit submit, your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district for approval. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyerboard for your selected duration of time.​

Peachjar charges outside organizations a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost paid to copy flyers (usually $25 per school)​. Organizations can see pricing and discount information on Peachjar's website or contact Peachjar Customer Service for pricing and discount information at 858-997-2117. 


If you have questions, please contact:

Peachjar Support 
(858) 997-2117 ext. 3