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Our Schools

The Strategic Plan

STUDENTS: Student Growth and Achievement for Choice-Filled Futures

Focusing on student growth and achievement is critical to achieving empowerment, future success, and holistic well-being of our students. Academic and support services provide students with the vital skills, tools, and confidence needed for their personal and professional journey into the future. The development of a choice-filled future begins before PreK and evolves through graduation and beyond. 

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase the percentage of PreK students exhibiting readiness when entering Kindergarten as measured by the GKIDS Readiness Check
  • Increase the number of PreK classes
  • Increase the percentage of Kindergarten students demonstrating numeracy skills as measured by the GKIDS 2.0
  • Increase the percentage of K-2 students meeting or exceeding expected growth in foundational literacy skills as measured by Amira


  • Establish a partner network with district personnel and local daycare/early childhood centers to provide training in early childhood development and school readiness.
  • Provide additional early learning classrooms to expand access for families
  • Enhance district, family, and community resources to support the development of foundational skills.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase Lexile performance as measured by GMAS Reading on Grade Level with a focus on third grade
  • Increase the percentage of students demonstrating typical or high growth on GMAS English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics as measured by the Student Growth Percentile Report (2 KPIs)
  • Increase the percentage of students demonstrating typical or high growth on GMAS English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics for English Learners and Students with Disability Subgroups (4 KPIs)


  • Implement a comprehensive literacy plan based on the Science of Reading to improve students' reading proficiency (Literacy as the North Star)
  • Build and align community partnerships to support student achievement
  • Re-envision support and resources to provide high quality schools in every community
  • Enhance teacher capacity to deliver rigorous standards-aligned instruction

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase the percentage of students successfully completing Dual Enrollment courses
  • Increase the percentage of students successfully completing work-based learning courses


  • Cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills across grade levels and content areas to prepare students for college and careers.  
  • Increase accessibility to college and career pathway courses and programs
  • Expand value-added student learning experiences that promote engagement and academic achievement 

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase student well-being as measured by the annual state climate survey
  • Increase staff and resources to enhance support for English Learners and Students with Disabilities as measured by an annual report.
  • Decrease student behavior referrals and incidents as measured by the weighted suspension rate (Grades 6-12)
  • Decrease student absenteeism as measured by Student Records


  • Enhance wrap-around services to support whole child development and inspire high levels of student engagement. 
  • Establish a positive and supportive school climate to promote student well-being and achievement.

STAKEHOLDERS: Quality Family and Community Engagement Experiences

We believe family and community engagement are essential in our educational ecosystem as they contribute to student success, build trust and relationships, help tailor student support, and strengthen community social networks. By actively involving our diverse families, businesses, and the community, we can create a supportive network that fosters engagement, development, and positive experiences, enabling our students to be fully productive citizens beyond graduation. 

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase district website engagement as measured by the number of visits.
  • Increase media translation as measured by the number of documents translated.
  • Increase parent access as measured by the number of active PowerSchool accounts.


  • Expand outreach by utilizing a variety of media to promote family and community engagement.
  • Implement district-wide translation and interpretation services to embrace our multilingual communities.
  • Create a parent/guardian focused campaign to drive the use of parent engagement platforms.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase positive student, parent, and staff perceptions as measured by an annual survey (3 KPIs)
  • Increase the number of community volunteers as measured annually by the VISTA volunteer portal


  • Enhance meaningful engagement opportunities for parents and community stakeholders to support whole child development.
  • Implement a family-focused engagement framework to create a supportive and inclusive school climate and district culture.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase partnerships that directly support student learning.
  • Increase opportunities in unique student engagement and learning experiences.


  • Develop a rubric to identify and evaluate partnership effectiveness in supporting student engagement and success. 
  • Identify and recognize successful partnership models in order to replicate and expand across the district.
  • Develop partnerships that effectively connect classroom learning with real-world application.

EMPLOYEES: Talent Management for Optimal Employee Performance

An effective workforce is essential for promoting student success; maintaining educational excellence; establishing a positive school climate; enhancing student, parent, and community engagement; and inspiring confidence and support from the community. By investing in the recruitment, development, and support of all employees, we will be able to cultivate a culture that values professionalism, accountability, and responsiveness, culminating in an environment where students have the opportunity to learn, thrive, and succeed.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Decrease the number of teacher vacancies
  • Increase employee perceptions of being valued or appreciated
  • Increase the retention of effective employees


  • Focused recruitment and retention incentives at high priority schools.
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive compensation plan to recruit, retain, and recognize a highly effective workforce. 
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive retention plan to provide a supportive and value-added employee experience.
  • Implement a calibrated evaluation system that balances support with accountability to maximize employee performance.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Improve perceptions of professional support among teachers, school leaders, school staff, and district staff (4 KPIs)
  • Increase professional development offerings for all staff
  • Increase participation in professional development offerings
  • Improve positive perceptions of the value of professional development training/activities


  • Develop and implement a comprehensive onboarding and first-year support program for district and school leaders.
  • Employ consistent hiring practices district-wide to ensure transparency and accountability.
  • Develop and implement a professional development plan that encompasses all employees.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase teacher satisfaction as measured by an annual climate survey.
  • Increase staff satisfaction as measured by an annual climate survey.


  • Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to bolster employee morale, foster engagement, and cultivate positive district culture.
  • Develop and implement an innovative school calendar and structures that provide for instructional, professional development, and planning time while supporting work-life balance. 

STEWARDSHIP: Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Resource Stewardship

Stewardship upholds the responsible and effective management of resources, assets, and programs the district offers for the benefit of staff, students, and families. By monitoring and evaluating programs, we enable appropriate and equitable budget decisions to ensure the efficient and effective use of resources. Stewardship aligns resources to support the board’s strategic priorities and effectively optimizes the use of facilities, programs, and human capital to ensure our schools' long-term success. 


Key Performance Indicators

  • Reports on implementation and findings of Program Evaluation(s), Comprehensive Needs Assessment(s), and Return on Investments (ROIs)
  • Increase the average percentage of Management Action Plan (MAP) items completed on-time per audit as measured by the Summary of Audits.


  • Implement comprehensive evaluations to promote effective and efficient processes across the district.
  • Enhance the timely completion of management’s actions to uphold continuous improvement for effective management of resources, assets, and programs within the District.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Improve the rating of facilities as measured by the Facilities Condition Index.
  • Annual status report on the Long-Range Facilities Plan.
  • Reduce annual deferred maintenance.
  • Increase workorder completion rate.


  • Implement an integrated data-management system to provide real-time data access for effective data-informed decision making.
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan to promote transparency on the Long-Range Facility Plan (LRFP).
  • Restructure services and resources to accommodate future district growth.
  • Provide regular updates on facility status, changes, updates, and future projects to promote transparency and build community awareness.  

Key Performance Indicators

  • Annual budget report on resource allocation
  • Improve Expenditures Efficiency as measured by Adopted Budget as Percent of Actual Budget


  • Develop and implement a consistent monthly reconciliation process that provides timely and accurate budget information. 
  • Optimize allocation of resources for equitable and efficient utilization of resources across all schools and departments.
  • Research and develop an ROI model to measure impact and return on investment. 
  • Align new budget allocations to support strategic priorities. 

Key Performance Indicators

  • Increase the percentage of on-time transportation performance.
  • Increase meal participation rate.


  • Create an innovative and multi-faceted approach to enhance efficient and accessible transportation.
  • Increase collaboration between routing and driving staff to ensure continuous route optimization.
  • Enhance opportunities for collaboration between schools and School Nutrition to increase student meal participation.
  • Promote labor efficiency and innovative practices to improve the school nutrition program.