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Information for Petitioners

Charter petitions for the renewal of a contract or a start-up Charter School shall be reviewed for the establishment of a charter contract. A charter for a local charter school, if approved, shall be a three-party agreement between a Georgia nonprofit charter school governing board, a local board of education, and the State Board of Education. A charter for a Charter System, if approved, shall be a two-party agreement between a local board of education and the State Board of Education.

Public Interest 

The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Board of Education supports student achievement and will authorize charter schools that can provide unique, innovative, high quality, research based and standards-driven learning opportunities for students beyond what Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools currently provide. Prior to approving a charter school application, the Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education must be convinced that the application presents a sound plan for improving student performance at a cost less than or equal to the per-pupil allocation at other Savannah-Chatham County Public School System schools with similar populations. The charter applicant must demonstrate the ability, financial resources, expertise, and other resources necessary to manage successfully all aspects of a charter school.

Charter Petition Process 

Local boards shall adopt policies and publish deadlines regarding submission of charter petitions that are consistent with the timeline and requirements for charter petitions as required by State Board of Education Rules. A local board must, by a majority vote, approve or deny a petition no later than ninety (90) days after its submission, unless the petitioner offers an extension and the local board accepts the offer. 

If the local board denies a petition directly by a vote of the local board to deny or indirectly by failing to vote within the requisite ninety (90) day review period, it must, within sixty (60) days of the denial, provide a written statement of denial to the petitioner and to the State Board of Education. 

​Petitions will be reviewed to ensure that all minimum requirements are addressed. If the minimum requirements are met, the SCCPSS Charter Review Committee will review the petition. The Charter Review Committee will then notify the Superintendent of its completion of the review and findings. The Committee’s findings will be reviewed by the Superintendent to make a recommendation to the Board of Education. The Board of Education will then approve or deny the petition. 

Charter School Application Deadline
Type of Charter Letter of Intent to Board Deadline Date Application Submitted to Superintendent Office on Specified Due Date ONLY* Board Action on Application Board Approved Applications Submitted to GaDOE Estimated State BOE Action on Applications
Start-up January 1st March 15* June Board Meeting August December State Board Meeting
Conversion April 1st July 15* October Board Meeting December March-June State Board Meeting
Renewal April 1st July 15* October Board Meeting December March-June State Board Meeting

* While the district makes every effort to honor these dates, discretion will be used to address unforeseen circumstances.​

Charter School Application Process

  1. Due dates are determined each year by dates of Savannah-Chatham County Public School System’s Board of Education Meetings. Visit the Board Resources section of this website for Board Meeting dates.​
  2. Charter School Applications are accepted only on the due date specified.
  3. Number of charter school applications to be submitted and submission requirements subject to change.

Charter applicants are to contact the Charter School Liaison with questions regarding submission requirements by calling (912) 395-5735.

Charter Applications

Please refer to the Charter Applications website of the Georgia Department of Education for additional information: