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Board Accountability Committee

The Board Accountability Committee (BAC) is comprised of representatives from the School Board that are appointed by the School Board President. Current BAC members are School Board Member Dr. Dionne L. Hoskins-Brown (Chair), Board Member Mr. Michael Johnson, Board Member Dr. Tonia Howard-Hall, Community Member Mr. Todd Rhodes, and ex-officio School Board President Roger Moss. Support is provided to the committee by the Superintendent of Schools, S. Denise Watts, Ed.D., and her executive team.


The purpose of the Board Accountability Committee is to provide accountability and transparency across the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) by implementing and maintaining the District Accountability System (DAS) in alignment with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) state accountability requirements and the district’s Strategic Plan. The DAS serves as the framework for the district’s Continuous Improvement Process (CIP), providing stakeholders information regarding Key Performance Outcomes (KPOs): (a) student mastery of state-adopted content standards in the core areas of English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies as measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS); (b) student growth and academic achievement, performance gaps, and postsecondary readiness as measured by GaDOE’s College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI); (c) meeting the annual performance targets established by the district’s Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS) contract and other specified requirements therein; (d) annual performance evaluation of LEA Charter Schools, as aligned with the requirements of the Charter Contract; and (e) internal audit reports. These annual performance outcomes assist District Administration, the BAC, and the Board in identifying root causes to inform school improvement strategies and resource allocations needed to improve student academic outcomes.

The DAS also enables the BAC to monitor progress toward Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs align with the district's strategic priorities and performance objectives and provide feedback on district strategies and initiatives aimed at improving student performance and the overall effectiveness of the school district. By using DAS data to monitor district and school performance, the Accountability Committee plays a key role in holding the district accountable for meeting the needs of all students and ensuring that resources are used effectively to support student growth and success.

Meeting Times & Location

The Accountability Committee meetings are generally held from 3:30PM – 5:00PM on the fourth Tuesday of every month except where noted. Meetings are held in Building G of the Whitney Administrative Complex, located at 2 Laura Avenue in Savannah. Click here for meeting dates.