L.O.V.E. Mentors
Partner Schools: Windsor Forest Elementary, Pulaski, Gadsden, Haven, AB Williams, Isle of Hope, Hodge, Juliette Low
Days & Times: 45 min – 1 hour, once a week (Dependent on school schedules)
Grade Levels: K-5, with an emphasis on reading skills for K-3
Program Description: LOVE Mentors' focus is to help elementary school children learn, with an emphasis on improving reading skills. Mentors work with one child at a time and each mentor may work with more than one child, in sequence. “Mentoring” is the focus, to motivate and inspire students and instill a love of learning and reading. Some mentors prefer working to improve math skills. This concentration can change, based on teacher recommendations, student needs, and mentor preference.
Program Goal: To make a positive impact on the lives of Title 1 elementary school children by helping them learn, emphasizing the importance of education and especially reading, and achieving grade-level academic performance.