Discipline Matrix
- Academic Dishonesty (32)
- Passive Participation and Accessory
- Alcohol (01)
- Arson (02)
- Battery (03)
- Bullying (29)
- Breaking/Entering Burglary (04)
- Classroom Disruption - Outside (33)
- Classroom Disruption (33)
- Computer/Internet Misuse (05)
- Defiance/Willful Refusal (33)
- Disorderly Conduct (06)
- Disrespect to Teacher/Staff (33)
- Dress Code Violation (31)
- Drug Possession (07)
- Electronic Smoking Device (42)
- Electronic Violation (34)
- Fighting (08)
- Gambling (33)
- Gang Related Activities (35)
- Inappropriate Language (33)
- Other - Attendance Related (30)
- Possession of Unapproved Items (34)
- Providing False Information (33)
- Repeated Offenses (36)
- Robbery (13)
- Serious Bodily Injury (27)
- Sexual Battery (14)
- Sexual Harassment (15)
- Sexual Offense (16)
- Taunting (33)
- Theft/Larceny (11)
- Threat/Intimidation (17)
- Tobacco Possession (18)
- Trespassing (19)
- Vandalism (20)
- Violence Against a Teacher (44)
- Weapons/Knife (22)
- Weapons/Handgun (25)
- Weapons/Other (23)
- Weapons/Other Firearms (28)
Academic Dishonesty (32)
Passive Participation and Accessory
Alcohol (01)
Arson (02)
Battery (03)
Bullying (29)
Breaking/Entering Burglary (04)
Classroom Disruption - Outside (33)
Classroom Disruption (33)
Computer/Internet Misuse (05)
Defiance/Willful Refusal (33)
Disorderly Conduct (06)
Disrespect to Teacher/Staff (33)
Dress Code Violation (31)
Drug Possession (07)
Electronic Smoking Device (42)
Electronic Violation (34)
Fighting (08)
Gambling (33)
Gang Related Activities (35)
Inappropriate Language (33)
Other - Attendance Related (30)
Possession of Unapproved Items (34)
Providing False Information (33)
Repeated Offenses (36)
Robbery (13)
Serious Bodily Injury (27)
Sexual Battery (14)
Sexual Harassment (15)
Sexual Offense (16)
Taunting (33)
Theft/Larceny (11)
Threat/Intimidation (17)
Tobacco Possession (18)
Trespassing (19)
Vandalism (20)
Violence Against a Teacher (44)
Weapons/Knife (22)
Weapons/Handgun (25)
Weapons/Other (23)
Weapons/Other Firearms (28)
Bus Conduct Statement: Disciplinary infractions that occur on a bus or bus stop are subject to the same disciplinary measures and restorative responses as infractions that take place at school sites. Improper conduct on buses and at bus stops can result in the loss, suspension of bus transportation privileges. The loss or suspension of such privileges can substitute for minimum disciplinary responses up to 1 day of OSS that are not otherwise required by State law.
Statement on the Commission of Illegal Acts Not Included in the Behavior Matrix: Any and all illegal acts not specifically addressed in this table are subject to appropriate disciplinary measures and restorative responses which are in no way limited based on this table.