Long-Range Facilities Plan
Phase I - Maps for Realigned Attendance Zones
Population shifts have influenced school zone attendance boundaries for years and now is no exception. Immediate and future trends, along with building conditions, will influence capacity levels at schools. In response to recent demographic changes, residential population shifts and commercial growth throughout the county, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools will realign attendance zones to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity.
These maps are being updated by current address location in our student information system. If you have moved or if your contact information has changed (such as your home address, email address or phone number), please update in the Parent Access Portal on our website.
- Gould ES - Identified Students Moving to New Hampstead K-8
- Largo-Tibet ES - Students Rezoned to Pulaski K-8 and Windsor Forest ES
- Southwest MS - Identified Students Moving to Pulaski K-8
- Rice Creek K-8 - Identified Students Moving to Godley Station K-8
- Rice Creek K-8 - Identified Students Moving to Mercer Middle School
- West Chatham MS - Identified Students Moving to Mercer MS and New Hampstead K-8 (Including ESOL families)
- New Hampstead K-8 - Identified Students Moving to Godley Station K-8
- New Hampstead HS - Identified Students Moving to Groves HS
- New Hampstead HS - Identified Students Moving to Beach HS
- New Hampstead HS - Full Overview