Highlights from the January 15, 2025 Board Meeting
At the Informal Meeting of the Board, a report on the Transportation Department’s efforts to increase on-time delivery for morning routes was presented. Data shows that 75.7% of bus-riding students are delivered to school on time or early, with only 24.3% arriving 6 minutes or more past scheduled arrival time. The biggest reason for late buses in the last school year was coverage. The Transportation Department continues to study the question of Choice Program Transportation. It has been determined that an additional 138 drivers would be needed in order to resume transporting Choice program students. A variety of alternate solutions were also detailed. Learn more in the full report here:
Teaching and Leadership Coaching Contract Approved
The Board approved a contract with the firm CT3 to provide Real Time Teaching and Leadership Coaching to the district at a total cost of $398,690 for SY 24-25. CT3’s approach builds upon the research-validated No- Nonsense Nurturer® (NNN) method, designed specifically to develop classroom cultures and instructional experiences with increasing levels of complexity and rigor. Professional development and training will be provided to select elementary, middle, K-8 and high school principals, school level and district specialists. Additionally, district leaders (school support officers and network superintendents) will receive leadership professional development on the provided training to principals.
Rental of Enmarket Arena for 2025 Graduations Approved
The Board approved the award of contract M25550 with OVG Facilities, LLC for rental of facilities and services at the Enmarket Arena for Graduation 2025 for a total estimated cost of $167,500. The contract will provide for rental of the facilities from May 18, 2025, through May 22, 2025. In addition to building rental fees the following services will also be provided: house staff, security, public safety, stagehands, video & ribbon board production, production, traffic police, catering buyout, ticketing, and parking.
Student of the Month Recognized
The Superintendent’s Student of the Month for December is Chloe Gibbons, a 5th grader at Brock Elementary School. Congratulations, Chloe!
Policy First Reads
Policy GBKA – Professional Personnel Lay-off (Mid Period Review) • No Policy Changes • Regulation Changes Recommended District Administration has reviewed Board Policy GBKA along with the supporting Regulation GBKA-R and determined there is no changes recommended for Board Policy. The Regulation language has been updated on recommendation from the Board Attorney to reference OCGA 20-2-948 that makes clear a reduction in force shall not apply if a program is eliminated.
Policy DCA – Fiscal Goals and Objectives (Four Year Review – Changes Recommended) Pursuant to Board Policy BDE- Policy Review, District Administration has reviewed Board Policy DCA and has determined changes are needed for clarity and improved language, including specific references for compliance with Georgia Department of Education Reporting requirements.
Policy Adopted
Policy IGB – Student Support Team (Four Year Review- Changes Recommended) Pursuant to Board Policy BDE- Policy Review, District Administration has reviewed Board Policy IGB and has determined changes are needed to update language and to describe the Multi-Tiered Systems (MTSS) and Student Support Team (SST) roles specific to the SST process. Further revisions were provided to clearly state that requests and referrals for evaluation or eligibility determinations under IDEA should not be delayed or denied based on the SST process. These recommendations are provided under guidance from the Assistant Board Attorney (In-House Counsel).
Policy IFBG – Internet Acceptable Use (Four Year Review- Changes Recommended) Pursuant to Board Policy BDE- Policy Review, District Administration has reviewed Board Policy IFBG along with the supporting regulation and has determined changes are needed to update language and process to align with current District practices.
Other Board Actions and Updates
Election of Board Officers
The Board voted to approve its officers as a customary action during the January meeting each year. Board Member Paul Smith will serve as the Vice President of the Board and Board Member Shawn Kachmar was elected as the Vice President Pro-Tempore.
Board Committee Appointments
The Board President announced 2025 Committee Appointments, as well as Delegate and Liaison Appointments. Find the complete list here:
Pool Repair Contract Approved
The Board approved the cost of the Swimming Pool Repairs at Jenkins High School using RFP 24-57 Swimming Pool Maintenance Services (Annual Contract) for a total cost of $109,500. The award is part of a Swimming Pool Maintenance Services contract with Aquatic Management approved last July. The repairs are deemed necessary to get the pool to a usable and maintainable state.
Budget Transfer for Islands High Athletic Complex Expansion Approved
The Board approved a budget transfer in the amount of $2,400,000 for the Islands High School Athletic Complex expansion project. This includes adding more seating capacity to be able to host GHSA 4A playoff games, two fieldhouses, additional restrooms, team rooms and a larger press box.
Windsor Forest Design Changes Approved
The Board approved Change Order #2 to Hussey Gay Bell & DeYoung International, Inc. in the amount of $933,435 for added design services for the Windsor Forest High School Replacement Project. The proposal and contract approved on November 3, 2021, was to design a 900 FTE new school consisting of approximately 173,000 sf with a Stated Cost Limitation of $53,147,010. The final design is a larger building for 1175 FTE with 197,516 square feet. The larger building also needed to be reconfigured to fit within the allowable area for the new building and all site configurations while still retaining the existing building and to have proper adjacencies to the existing gymnasium building.
Personnel Moves
Kimberly Lee has been named Captain of Professional Standards and Accreditation for the Board of Education Police Department.
MLK Day Holiday for All
Monday, January 20, 2025
Audit Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 30, 2025 – 8am
Whitney Administrative Complex