Meet Chloe Gibbons, Superintendent's Student of the Month for December
Congratulations to our Student of the Month for December, Chloe Gibbons, a fifth grader at Otis Brock Elementary School. Chloe is an outstanding student who takes her time in class and always gives her best effort. She uses effective strategies and skills to understand the given task to ensure that she meets proficiency.
Chloe is a High Honor Roll student and has the highest overall grade in Math, Reading and Social Studies in her grade. She received the Leadership Award as well as an Award of Distinction in English Language Arts. In addition to her studies, she also finds time to participate in 4-H!
When asked what motivates her to strive for academic success, Chloe said, “My little brother motivates me, because he is not able to develop things as fast as others his age, so I work hard to be able to help him!”
Chloe will be taking home several gifts from our sponsors, including Members First Credit Union, Advertising Specialties, Georgia Southern University, Gulfstream, and more. In addition, Chloe and the students in her ELA class will receive copies of her favorite book “Parachute Kids” by Betty Tang, donated by our sponsor E. Shaver Bookseller. Again, congratulations to Chloe, her family, and the Brock Elementary family! And special thanks to her nominator and principal Dr. Desma Patterson.
SCCPSS Videographer Ken Slats caught up with Chloe at school! Watch the video here.