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Students to Return to School on Regular Schedule Monday, January 27

Students to Return to School on Regular Schedule Monday, January 27
Sheila Blanco


SCCPSS district personnel worked throughout the weekend to perform assessments of SCCPSS buildings and facilities in preparation for in-person learning on Monday, January 27. 

All schools and facilities will return to full operation for in-person learning on Monday with all schools operating on their regular schedules.  Staff have conducted inspections of HVAC and other building components in preparation for the return of students tomorrow.  Parking lots, common areas, and walkways have been cleared of snow and ice, and school bus pre-checks have been completed.

While walkways and parking lots are generally clear, students, families, and staff are encouraged to use caution as patches of snow and ice may remain in shaded areas where sunlight is limited. Some roads and sidewalks may be slippery as ice and snow continue to melt.

Entryways onto school grounds or into school facilities may be altered as a precautionary matter.  Please follow the directions of school personnel should there be a need to alter movement on school grounds if snow or ice persist in certain areas.  During school arrival, please be alert to possible detours or other traffic directions, as necessary. 

Once again, all SCCPSS schools will be open for in-person teaching and learning on Monday, January 27, 2025.  District staff will continue to work throughout the day to ensure safe entry for all facilities tomorrow; however, families, students and staff are encouraged to be alert and aware of possible patches of ice that may remain on the way to school in the morning.  Please avoid any area where remnants of snow and ice remain. 



SCCPSS will continue with remote learning on Friday, January 24, 2025.  Temperatures across the region will remain below freezing this evening and through mid to late morning on Friday.  As a result, many roadways remain hazardous for travel with ice and snow that has melted and re-frozen over the last two days.  This includes primary roads, secondary roads, bridges, and overpasses.  

All facilities and District systems will be inspected throughout the weekend to include clearing school walkways, entrance areas, and parking lots. Staff also will be working to make sure all ice and snow is cleared from buses. In addition, all heating and mechanical systems are being inspected to ensure functionality for a planned return to in-person school on Monday, January 27th.

Once again, SCCPSS will continue with Remote-Learning for students on Friday, January 24th.  The District continues to work closely with emergency management officials for the most current weather information.  An operational update will be provided no later than 3:00pm on Sunday, January 26th, regarding operations on Monday. 


The winter storm has caused a number of events to be canceled.  As rescheduled dates and times become available - we will post here.




Choice Program Open House

Monday January 27th from 5:30-7:00. 



Choice Program Open House:  

Thursday, January 30th from 5:00-6:00




Originally scheduled - Wednesday, January 22

Rescheduled- Wednesday, January 29 6:00-7:30PM


Choice Program Open House:  

Thursday, January 30th  4:30pm-5:30pm


Due to the increased risk for winter precipitation (snow/ice/sleet) in our area with impacts predicted to begin as early as Tuesday, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools will shift to Remote-Learning Days for students and remote workdays for staff on Tuesday, January 21st, Wednesday, January 22nd, and Thursday, January 23rd.  All district Athletic Events are also canceled during this time period.

This weather event could result in hazardous driving conditions for area roadways and dangerous temperatures including sub-freezing wind chills on Tuesday, Wednesday, and into Thursday morning.  As the weather system moves through our area, all facilities and District systems will be inspected on Thursday afternoon to ensure functionality for a return to in-person school on Friday, January 24th.

Once again, SCCPSS will shift to Remote-Learning Days for students and remote work days for staff on Tuesday, January 21st through Thursday, January 23rd. Staff and parents should refer to emails sent Sunday, January 19th for further guidance.

The District continues to work closely with emergency management officials for the most current weather information.  Should weather conditions affect District operations beyond Thursday, our families will be notified through all available communication channels.  An operational update will be provided no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, January 23rd, regarding operations on Friday. 

Please remember, all schools and District facilities remain closed on Monday, January 20th, as a holiday for all in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Please continue to monitor the District’s official communication channels including our email and call notification system, website postings here at, and the District’s Social Media Channels for updates.