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Student Success Expo Succeeds For Thousands of Families and Students!

Student Success Expo Succeeds For Thousands of Families and Students!
Stacy Jennings

Thousands of excited students and families swarmed the Savannah Civic Center for the 17th annual Student Success Expo and STEM Festival.  Despite the chilly temperatures, the crowds formed early for the festivities and kept the booths and tables busy throughout the event.  The Expo coincides with the opening of the Choice Application window and SCCPSS representatives were on hand to assist families, answering questions about the process.  The Choice Application is open through January 31.

Mr. ImPossible, Keith Brown, welcomed the attendees with his typical high energy style and set the stage for the rest of the day.  Dance lines included students, board members, and Superintendent Dr. Watts!  Performances from bands, dance teams, and singers entertained the audiences when they weren’t perusing the tables from community partners and school representatives.  Of course, the highlight of the day was the announcement of the winners of the various competitions.  This year, students were able to compete in 5 different STEAM events: Egg Drop Challenge, Mousetrap Car Race, PSA, Recycle Art Challenge, and Straw Tower, as well as Public Speaking, Mock Job Interviews, Membership Recruitment and more. 

Egg Drop Challenge

In the Egg Drop challenge, contestants designed and built a container to prevent an uncooked egg from cracking when dropped.

K – 2nd grade

1st Place                   Elyse Schwedler      Henderson Formey

2nd Place                  Jacob Alba                Windsor Forest Elementary

Grades 3 – 5

1st place                    Patrick Wade and Olivia Anderson          Georgetown K8

2nd place                   Gezer Orrando                     Garden City Elementary

3rd Place                   Jenai Grubbs            Rice Creek K8

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                   Tanner Cagle and Om Patel          New Hampstead K8

2nd Place                  Sutton Perry and Madalyn Reaves           Coastal Middle

3rd Place                   Lucus Willis              STEM Academy@Bartlett

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place       Kenlasia Martin        School of Liberal Studies -Savannah High

Mousetrap Car

In the Mousetrap Car competition, students were tasked with building a mousetrap car that would compete against other mousetrap cars for the greatest performance score.

Grades K – 2

1st Place                   Ezra Tinnel and Latham St. Jean Windsor Forest Elementary

Grades 3 – 5

1st Place                   Marissa Irwin, MiVon Smalls, and Jeandeliz Perez 

                                                           Juliette Low Elementary

2nd Place                  Harmony                                Butler Elementary

3rd Place                   Brooklyn Anderson              A.B. Williams

Grade 6 – 8

1st Place                   Kenneth Delossantos                                 Mercer Middle

2nd Place                  Erick Composbello and Jose Galvan       Mercer Middle

3rd Place                   Josiah Hinton and Kamel McKenzie        DeRenne Middle

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Jya’Mere Hamilton and Joshua Caldwell Savannah High

 Public Service Announcement

The Public Service Announcement Competition focused on the importance of reading. Students created announcements based on the topic: If you want to succeed, Read!

Grades K – 2

1st Place                   Braylen, Raphael, and Maddison 

                                    Henderson E. Formey Early Learning Center

2nd Place                  Dawson Michuda, Dax Reiley, Mai Tran, Emma Gardner, Kameron Woodridge

                                    Heard Elementary                                         

Grades 3 – 5

1st Place                   Vincent Campbell, Juan Castro Quintana, Gabrielle Colon, Chloe Gibbons, Omari Thomas         

                                    Otis J. Brock Elementary

2nd Place                  Nyilah Palmer, Cadence Watts, Adeline Corrigan, Mary Brenton

                                    New Hampstead K8

3rd Place                   Reagan Hunter and Aniyah Harris      Hodge Elementary

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                   Daisy Server, Tay’wan, Diego Ramirez-Satizabel    New Hampstead K8

2nd Place                  Emauri Edwards, ZyAisha Smart, Jamya Williams, Harmani Jacobs

                                    Hubert Middle School

3rd Place                   The Team      Rice Creek K8

R3 Art Challenge: Recycle, Rebuild and Reuse

The purpose of this challenge is to allow students to create a work of art using recycled material. Students worked in teams to gain awareness about the environmental benefits of recycling while creating a work of art.

Grades K – 2

1st Place                   Lorer, Jeremiah, and Santana     Henderson E. Formey Early Learning Center

2nd Place                  Paris McLean                       Rice Creek K8

Grade 3 – 5

1st Place                   London Mobley, Login Wolters, Jordan Rolston, Sernetry Patilla, Lola Banhart

                                                         Brock Elementary

2nd Place                  Anitah Williams, Nicole Lego, Joel Fields, Kendre Bush, Marleah Grant

                                                      Gadsden Elementary

3rd Place                   Everett Wiegand, Landon Hester, Sean Postrado, Langston Hester, Dion Miller

                                            Heard Elementary

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                   Kyshawn Milledge, Travis Tilley, Jamon Cornish, Dallas McCall, Kaisence Hill

                                    The STEM Academy at Bartlett

2nd Place                  Elizabeth Louis and Stella Liebtag

                                    Tybee Island Maritime Academy

Grades 9-12

1st Place                   Trinity Norman, Zelazia Boston, Alanya Jones

                                    Sol C. Johnson High School        

Straw Tower Building Challenge

In the Straw Tower competition, teams of students were challenged to construct the tallest possible free-standing tower using straws and masking tape.

Grades K - 2

1st Place                   Titus Jones, Paul Dunn, Juliet Gerlach, Shawn Roughto                                                                                 Georgetown K8

2nd Place                  Jayden Tanksley                  Henderson E. Formey ELC                       

Grades 3 – 5

1st Place                   I. Burgess Ashley P. Akilah R.                   Hodge Elementary

2nd Place                  T. Carpenter, L. Allen, B. Simmons, B. Hunt     

                                    Georgetown K8

3rd Place                   T. Smalls and J Rolston                             Brock Elementary

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                    Sophie Heister & Yash Mazariegos STEM Academy @ Bartlett                                                                                   

2nd Place                  Om Patel, Tanner Cagle, and  Shyamal Amin   New Hampstead K8

3rd Place                   Aarav Dharmara       STEM Academy @ Bartlett

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Christian Manuel William Scruggs Savannah High

Career Technical Student Organization students were able to compete in 5 different events: Community Service Showcase, Extemporaneous Speech, Membership Recruitment Display, Mock Job Interview, and Public Speaking.

Membership Recruitment Challenge

For the Membership Recruitment Challenge, the CTSO chapter was asked to make a creative display to showcase the CTSO and recruit new members.

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place       STEM Academy at Bartlett

2nd Place      West Chatham Middle School

3rd Place       New Hampstead K8

Grades 9-12

1st Place       School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High

2nd Place      Savannah Early College

3rd Place       Beach High School

Community Service Showcase Display

For the Community Service Showcase, CTSO chapter members worked together to create a display to highlight their community service activities that benefit families, schools, and communities.

Grade 6 – 8

1st Place                   STEM Academy at Barlett

2nd Place                  West Chatham Middle School

3rd Place                   New Hampstead K8

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Beach High School

2nd Place                  Johnson High School

3rd Place                   Savannah Early College

Public Speaking

Middle school participants presented a speech on the topic “Why students should join your Career and Technical Student Organization. 

High School participants presented a speech on the topic “How do Career and Technical Student Organizations encourage and promote student leadership?”

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                    Terry Miller                STEM Academy at Bartlett

2nd Place                  Amerie Tyler              West Chatham Middle School

3rd Place                   Janani Kumar                       Godley Station K8

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Dominique Walker   A.E. Beach High School

2ne Place                  Ghaidaa Lufti            Islands High School

3rd Place                   Keshavi Bathula       Woodville-Tompkins High

Extemporaneous Speech

For the Extemporaneous Speech Competition, students were given 15 minutes to select a topic and prepare a 2-minute speech. The speech then had to be presented to the panel of judges.

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                   Pratyash Lakhotia    STEM Academy at Bartlett

2nd Place                  Michael Martin         STEM Academy at Bartlett

3rd Place                   Kaysen Bankhead   Southwest Middle

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Shamera Clausell                A.E. Beach High

2nd Place                  Durga Kumas                      Woodville-Tompkins High

3rd Place                   Samantha Dong                  Islands High

Mock Job Interview-Office Manager

During the Mock Job Interview Competition, students participated in a simulation of an actual interview with a panel of judges/interviewers. The panel of judges asked each candidate a variety of questions to determine employability.

Grades 6 – 8

1st Place                   Sophie Heister                      STEM Academy at Bartlett

2nd Place                  Christabel Adjeman              Rice Creek K8

3rd Place                   Madison Ingram                   STEM Academy at Bartlett

Grades 9 – 12

1st Place                   Brooklyn Howells                 Islands High School

2nd Place                  Nasir Savage                       A.E. Beach High

3rd Place                   Jeremiah Murrell                  Johnson High

In addition, schools competed for the coveted title of Best Booth and the highest number of attendees per school. In the Best School Booth Competition, schools were judged on school spirit, creativity, information presented, and overall appearance.

Elementary School

1st Place                                Gadsden Elementary

2nd Place                              Heard Elementary

3rd Place                               Juliette Low Elementary

K8 Schools

1st Place                               Georgetown K8

2nd Place                              Hesse K8

3rd Place                               Garrison School for the Arts

Middle School

1st Place                               Mercer

2nd Place                              Myers

3rd Place                               DeRenne

High School

1st Place                               Beach

2nd Place                              Woodville-Tompkins

3rd Place                               Jenkins

The schools that won for the most visitors to sign-in are:

          1st Place – Beach High School

          2nd Place – Savannah High School

          3rd Place – Garrison K-8

The following students won an iPad by visiting each booth and turning in their Passport!

Reese Marlatt – Hesse K-8 – 5th Grade

Jordan Rolstan – Otis Brock – 3rd Grade

Ninfa Hilario – Savannah Early College – 12th Grade

Kritya Patel – Garrison K-8 – 7th Grade

Prateush Lakhotia – STEM @BartlettMS – 8th Grade

Janoah Jones – Rice Creek – 2nd Grade

Parth Main – Woodville Tompkins – 9th Grade

Lavanya Main – Garden City – 4th Grade

Henry Hulseberg – Coastal Middle – 7th Grade

Abigail Bogden – Garrison – 7th Grade


See pictures from the event!!